For many couples who have completed family building, there is a choice between the male partner having a vasectomy and the female partner having a tubal ligation, often referred to as “getting her tubes tied.” The decision is a personal one, as it will involve a procedure that will end one partner’s ability to reproduce….
Take Advantage of the Holidays: 3 Reasons to get a Vasectomy Now

For those who may be on the fence about whether to schedule a vasectomy – now is a great time to contact San Diego Vasectomy Center. Take a break from your work schedule and shopping for presents, and make an appointment for a vasectomy. Vasectomies are safe, effective, and offer an increased level of spontaneity…
Vasectomy Myths: Get the Facts on a No Needle, No Scalpel Vasectomy

For some men, the idea of having a vasectomy is marred by misconceptions about what the procedure is really like. Doesn’t a vasectomy hurt? Isn’t a vasectomy more expensive than just using condoms? Don’t vasectomies have a long recovery time? A vasectomy can affect your sex life, right? Those are just a few of the…
How to Prepare For a Vasectomy

Once you’ve decided that a vasectomy is the right choice for your sexual health there are a few steps you’ll need to take in order to plan and prepare for the vasectomy. The San Diego Vasectomy Center has provided a few tips for future patients in order to help them plan for the procedure as…
How Soon Can You Resume Intercourse Post-Vasectomy?

One of the most frequently asked questions before and after a vasectomy is when can intercourse resume once the procedure is complete. The good news is: patients will not have to wait long to have sex post-vasectomy. In fact, it is recommended that patients wait only seven days before having intercourse. Naturally, there are additionally…
No Needle, No Scalpel Vasectomy VS. A Traditional Vasectomy: What’s the Difference?

What occurs in a traditional vasectomy? A traditional vasectomy requires that a surgeon use a scalpel to make incisions in order to expose the vas deferens tubes from each testicle. After exposure, the vas deferentia are then cut/tied or sometimes cauterized. After this, the tubes are returned and the incisions are stitched closed. This version…
Questions Men Ask After A Vasectomy, Part I

The idea of a vasectomy can seem daunting – on the one hand, a vasectomy is one of the most reliable, cost-effective forms of birth control available. On the other hand, a vasectomy can feel like kind of a drastic step to take. The good thing is – a vasectomy doesn’t have to be the huge, drastic…