SDVC’s Vasectomy Guide: Important Terms for Men and Their Partners

Are you considering a vasectomy? The procedure still has a few misconceptions attached to it, which is why San Diego Vasectomy Center (SDVC) has put together a convenient vasectomy guide for the men who are interested in undergoing a vasectomy, but want to learn more before scheduling an appointment with SDVC.
Vasectomy – SDVC utilizes the No Needle No Scalpel vasectomy in order to offer patients a pain-free form of permanent contraception. Without sutures or stitches, the No Needle No Scalpel vasectomy procedure uses a tiny opening on either side of the scrotum to carefully lift the vas deferens, the ducts which carry sperm from the testicles to the urethra, and cut, tie, and put them back into place.
Exparel – Exparel is a long-lasting anesthetic used by SDVC in order to relieve pain for up to three days post-procedure. Exparel is one of the features offered in our Executive and CEO packages. You can learn additional medical information about Exparel and how it works here.
Sperm freezing/sperm banking – Patients and their partners are encouraged to consider a vasectomy as a permanent form of birth control. For those who aren’t 100 percent sure that they have completed their families, they have the option to freeze sperm prior to the procedure. Sperm banking is a straightforward process – patients submit a semen sample, blood tests are performed to screen for disease, and post-screening, the sperm is divided into vials for storage. This is an excellent option for anyone on the fence about having a vasectomy because they might want children in the future.
Vasectomy reversal – Vasectomy reversals are possible, with success often occurring decades after the original vasectomy procedure. Dr. Martin Bastuba has performed more than 3,000 vasectomy reversals and has a 98 percent success rate. An alternative option some patients may consider is using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), a fertilization procedure where sperm is injected directly into an egg, instead of a vasectomy reversal.
“Executive” and “CEO” vasectomy packages – SDVC offers two packages to patients which provide an elevated vasectomy experience. Our Executive Vasectomy Plan provides additional services designed for optimal patient comfort and convenience. Our CEO Vasectomy Plan includes all offers from the Executive Plan, with the addition of 4-star hotel accommodation, transportation to SDVC on the day of the procedure, Skype consultations with Dr. Bastuba, and more.
To learn more about any of the aspects of our vasectomy guide, or to schedule a vasectomy, please contact SDVC today.