What Is The Ideal Time to Get a Vasectomy?

Is there an ideal time to schedule a vasectomy? It turns out that there are a few great times of the year to call the San Diego Vasectomy Center (SDVC) and book your procedure. Your reasons for getting a vasectomy are personal, but once the decision is made, planning your vasectomy around certain times of the year will allow for additional rest and recovery time.
Get a vasectomy during the holiday season
For some men, the brief recovery time needed post-vasectomy fits perfectly into the holiday season. Between November and January, there are more opportunities than usual to extend weekends and take breaks from your normal daily routine. This makes the holidays an ideal time to schedule a vasectomy, which requires that you rest for at least 24 hours, return to work after 2 to 3 days, and refrain from physical activity for about a week after the procedure.
Another benefit is that the holidays can sometimes be an expensive time, but a vasectomy is very cost-effective. This is especially true when compared to the more invasive and costly tubal ligation procedure. Most vasectomies will be covered under insurance, but for those out of network or without, the cost is $1,395.
Get a vasectomy during March Madness
March Madness might be the most popular time of the year to have a vasectomy. Every March, countless articles are dedicated to the number of men who have scheduled their vasectomy recovery period to intersect with some point during March Madness. Vasectomy recovery just involves rest, preferably sitting down with a bag of frozen peas comfortably resting on the groin area, so watching March Madness during your recovery is an excellent opportunity to make the most of any downtime you need.
Get a vasectomy over the summer
Outside of the holidays and March Madness, the summer is a very popular time to have a vasectomy. Many plan on taking some time off during the months of June, July and August anyway, so dedicating a long weekend to recovery is the best way to maximize this time. Of course, this will depend on every individual’s career situation, but the summer is typically a good time to appropriately rest during the short post-procedure recovery period.