7:01 pm Martin Bastuba

Vasectomy Myths: Get the Facts on a No Needle, No Scalpel Vasectomy

Vasectomy Myths: Get the Facts on a No Needle, No Scalpel Vasectomy

For some men, the idea of having a vasectomy is marred by misconceptions about what the procedure is really like.

Doesn’t a vasectomy hurt?

Isn’t a vasectomy more expensive than just using condoms?

Don’t vasectomies have a long recovery time?

A vasectomy can affect your sex life, right?

Those are just a few of the questions that are based in myths about vasectomies. At San Diego Vasectomy Center, we believe that these myths can hamper a man’s decision on his choice of contraception. The best way to make a decision about long-term contraception is to be fully informed of the options available, including paving the way for facts and disregarding vasectomy myths that only cause confusion.

Vasectomy myth: Vasectomies are painful and have a long recovery time.

Fact: Vasectomies are not painful. In fact, with a no needle, no scalpel vasectomy patients can enjoy a virtually pain-free experience. The no needle, no scalpel vasectomy uses Exparel, a pain relief anesthetic that will last for three days after the procedure. Use of Exparel helps patients get back to their normal routine more easily and cuts down on any expected discomfort.

Vasectomy myth: A vasectomy is expensive. It’s cheaper to stick with short-term contraceptive options like condoms.

Fact: The cost of condoms can certainly add up over time, but a vasectomy is covered by most insurance carriers. You may be responsible for a small co-pay or deductible, but this should be the extent of any cost to the patient. Our financial coordinator can help you calculate out-of-pocket costs, should they occur.

Vasectomy myth: A vasectomy can negatively affect your sex life.

Fact: This is simply not true. In fact, most patients report an improvement in their sex lives after having a vasectomy. Having a vasectomy can increase the amount of spontaneity in a man’s sex life because he no longer has to stop to use another form of contraception that may not be as effective as a vasectomy due to the risk of human error.

Vasectomy myth: Vasectomies are invasive, like a tubal reversal.

Fact: A tubal reversal (female procedure) is far more invasive and costly, and it features a longer recovery time than a vasectomy. Vasectomies are not invasive, and complications from the procedure are unusual.

Vasectomy myth: Vasectomies aren’t common in the United States.

Fact: Roughly 500,000 men in the U.S. decide to have a vasectomy each year. The procedure has steadily risen in popularity as techniques become more refined and recovery times are shortened.