When Is the Best Time to Get a Vasectomy?

So, when is the best time to get a vasectomy? This can be a pretty personal question for most men and their partners, but it’s still a common concern for those weighing decisions about contraception. Many couples will wonder if a vasectomy really is the best option for this time in their lives, or if they should stick with their current form of contraception until they are ready for the long-term commitment that comes with a No Needle No Scalpel vasectomy.
We’ve provided a few questions you can think about with your partner that will help determine if having a vasectomy is the right choice for your reproductive health and lifestyle.
- Will we want to have children or have more children in the future? Is our family complete?
- What is the current cost of our contraception choice (condoms, birth control pills, etc., and how does it compare with vasectomy cost?
- How does a vasectomy compare to a tubal ligation? Does either partner have a preference?
- Do you have personal concerns against having a vasectomy, such as concerns about pain, recovery, your sex life, etc.?
- Are you concerned you may wish to conceive and that you will change your mind after the procedure?
- Will there be a time of year or season in which you’d rather recover from the procedure, such as during a vacation or holiday season?
These are important questions that deserve a thorough discussion. Your vasectomy concerns can be addressed in full by the San Diego Vasectomy Center, but only you and your partner know if having a vasectomy is the right option at this point in your life.
If you are not in a relationship, you will need to consider if you will want biological children should you enter into a relationship in the future. These concerns can be addressed after pre-vasectomy sperm banking, handled by our partner the Fertility Center of California, and vasectomy reversal options are discussed with your doctor – though it is recommended that you consider a vasectomy as a permanent procedure.
If you are still unsure if now is the right time to have a vasectomy, we encourage you to take our quiz, “Are you ready for a vasectomy?” If you have any questions regarding the procedure or recovery period, we hope you’ll contact our office directly.