5:48 pm Martin Bastuba

Video: Vasectomy in San Diego

Male Fertility & Sexual Medicine Specialists‎ – San Diego Vasectomy 6699 Alvarado Road #2207, San Diego, CA 92120 – Visit our website https://www.vasectomyinfo.com – Dr. Bastuba is a male fertility expert in San Diego, California. “A vasectomy, when done correctly can have a profoundly positive impact on a man’s life. I’ve personally done over 2,000 vasectomies. It takes about 8-10 minutes for me to do a vasectomy. Vasectomies have an extremely low failure rate because of the nature of the procedure” – Dr. Martin Bastuba, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Contact Us About No-Needle No-Scalpel Vasectomy

What is a No-Needle Vasectomy?

Local anesthesia before a vasectomy can sometimes cause the most anxiety for men. During a no-needle vasectomy, the local anesthetic is delivered via a “hypospray” which numbs the operating area instantly without a painful needle injection.  Hypospray is a common anesthesia used for many dental procedures. As a result of much less discomfort, faster recovery and fewer complications, the No-Needle method is very popular among patients at The San Diego Vasectomy Center.

What is a No Pain Vasectomy?

The no pain vasectomy is an exciting new technique that offers patients a virtually painless vasectomy experience. A no pain vasectomy is performed using Exparel, a long-lasting pain relief anesthetic that last for 3 days after the vasectomy. This allows patients to return to their normal daily routines more quickly and easily, with little or no discomfort.* Exparel also eliminates the need for other narcotic pain-relief medications that often cause unpleasant side effects including dizziness and constipation. If you are interested in a no pain vasectomy, please ask The San Diego Vasectomy Center for more details. Note that additional fees may apply.

*Those who do not experience pain or discomfort after a vasectomy should still exercise caution when engaging in strenuous activity.

What is a No-Scalpel Vasectomy?

A no-scalpel vasectomy is a minimally invasive technique which requires no sutures or stitches. Prior to the vasectomy surgery, the vas deferens on each side of the scrotum are located. A tiny opening is then created to gently lift the vas deferens out to be cut, tied and put back. In a no-scalpel vasectomy only one incision is made, and a scalpel is not used to cut the genitals open. Instead, a tiny puncture is made. The hole is so small that no stitches or sutures are needed.

Advantages of No-Scalpel Vasectomy

This vasectomy technique has the least amount of associated complications such as bruising and scarring. It also reduces discomfort, both during and after the vasectomy procedure, with recovery time up to 50% percent faster than a traditional vasectomy. The typical operating time of a no-scalpel vasectomy is very short at just about 10 minutes.

No-Scalpel vs. Traditional Vasectomy

In a traditional vasectomy the surgeon uses a scalpel to cut one or two incisions in the scrotum to expose the vas deferens tubes from both testicles.  The vas deferens are cut, tied, returned to the scrotum and both ends of the vas deferens are closed with stitches. A no-scalpel vasectomy is typically less painful, less risky and has faster recovery times when compared to a traditional vasectomy. A “normal” or “traditional” vasectomy can have complications such as antibodies, bruising, swelling, epididymitis, and infection. Dr. Bastuba recommends the no-needle, no-scalpel vasectomy to all of his patients.

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